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Old 09-23-2005, 06:28 PM   #33
Pini Uldar
A Shissar Disciple
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 135

My list of UI things off the top of my head. Not all are mod-oriented though 8)

1) Make <TextColor><R>200</R><G>0</G><B>200</B></TextColor> I set on the MVW_MapRenderArea change the color of the little You Are Here arrow. I make my map window background black and I can't see the little arrow and I have no way to change it's color. I get around this by placing a purple circle in the middle of the window and have to keep it centered properly to know my place.

2) Also with the map window, please save the values for the layers on/off. I have a black background map window and all the in game provided maps are made for the parchment background. This is fine since I make my own maps (or recolor yours) which look good for me. But I have to always turn off the B layer every time I open my map window.

3) Ideally all windows should have a done button. I personally turn off the title bars on all my windows because they take up space. But most windows have no done button, leaving only the esc button to close, which makes you unravel the stack of windows that are up. The worst here is the Merchant window which had a done button, but it got removed. Even if the default UI doesn't need a done button, it may be appropriate for others to add it because they turn off the title bar.

4) Oh man, I wish tabs could be modded. I'd like to be able to put tabs on the bottom, but I REALLY would like to be able to change their size (and make them smaller). Even if you replace all the tab graphics with 1 px images, the tabs take up the same size. Now that adding tabs to windows is frequent, being unable to really change tabs is frustrating. You should also be able to justift the tab image!

5) Pie in the sky change would of course be EQTypes for buttons so that we can move them to other windows. Buttons and such are stuck in their windows because of behind the scenes wiring right now which makes it hard to really mod anything.

6) I really wish icons were used with more thought. I personally use your icons except I color the backgrounds based on use (yellow = AC/HP/Resist buff, purple = mana regen, white = stat buff, blue = invis/regen, red = debuff, etc), but because of reuse of the same icons all the time, some are just weirdly colored. The worst example for me is Tash and Spirual Ascendance. I know the icons take on a red/blue border based on buff/debuff already and this is nice.

7) On Listboxes, control over the column heading widths is spotty, so if I resize a listbox smaller and change the header widths, they seem to reset when I log back in again. I'd expect them to stay where I left them when I logout and log back in, even if I drag them in game. This is most annoying on the vendor window where I can't read the plat column because it shrinks too small!

8) Add a flag to the right click context menu to control whether a window is or isn't closed on esc. I'd like for my notes window to be sticking sometimes so I can write down CH order or tank orders and glance at it, but if it closes on esc, it's more trouble than it is worth for example. If I could right click and "Stick" the window so ESC doesn't close it, that'd be great

9) Make it so I can rearrange my group either with drag and drop in the group window, or through /groupswap 2 4. I'm a cleric and I'm bad at targetting F6, but good at F2. I'd love to be able to put the enchanter on F2 with /groupswap 2 6 and then the two HP bars swap in the group window the F-keys change.

And please do fix the /reload crash. It makes fixing things for big patches like DoD really really annoying!

For reference if you're curious, my UI is available here at my guild's forums. I don't maintain it here for various reasons.

- Pini
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