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Old 09-08-2002, 02:23 PM   #1
EQ Atlas Webmaster
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 67
Default EQ Atlas Map GUI XML Creator Released

Hi all,

I wanted to announce the release of the GUI XML Creator for use with maps. You can download it from my site at . I've left it on my site to spare this poor site's download section. This is a Java program that will create a EQUI_HelpWnd.xml file (Help Window mod) that includes those images. It reads the size of the images and generates the file automatically, so you don't need to know a thing about XML or creating these things for it to work. You just need to know how to follow my instructions.

The purpose of this program is to allow people to have a Help Window with a tabbed pane that will show images (jpg only right now) in the game. Please download the images you want from my site or any other to use. I do NOT want to see people passing around zipped versions of my maps, so keep that in mind. I require that you still go to my page and download them yourself for your personal use.

I've also set up a message board section for talking about this on my site as well.

Download and enjoy!

Version 1.3 Available since 9/22. This fixes some sizing issues, and lets you put fixed-width tabs in a scrollable pane. It also has some beta-level code for Voodoo3 users to see it correctly.
Version 1.2 Available since 9/10. This lets you resize the whole window, and corrects the tiny map problems in version 1.0.
EQ Atlas
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