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Old 09-25-2006, 04:16 PM   #3
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 8

Originally Posted by Wymp
You can take out that thin line in the gauges very easily, if you'd like.

Just open the xml file and find each of these -- <DrawLinesFill>true</DrawLinesFill>
Change the "true" to "false". That will turn off the thin line.

As for a CA timer in the melee window ... I can alter one for you. Would you prefer that instead of tribute? or maybe CA timer on top of your endurance bar?

And your target window .... if you post the xml, I'm sure I or someone else can help fix your target con problems.

Hi Wymp:

Since you have posted....maybe I'll ask a favor also!

I use Drakah's Default_old UI that has been fixed to work with TSS. I had to get a new player window though because the one I have been using for years I cannot integrate. (I'm not coder-savy).

Anyhow, I like your Simple Caster Hybrid one for my caster. I do not play a hybrid but liked it more than the caster one.

Only problem is, no matter what I do, the box that shows the swords, hourglass and rest icon will not show up at all. There must be something wrong with another file of mine that will not show it. The player window from default_old shows that box, but I don't care for that player window. I am clueless what I need to fix to make yours work for me. I have tried other people's player windows, and same thing -- no box with icons to show the rest status. But I prefer this hybrid one best. Everything else on it works fine, (ie, your timer countdown gauge and the timer numbers work ok). I just want to get the box working with the icons too.

Also, any chance of keeping the Endurance bar, but removing the numbers that correspond to that endurance bar? I prefer to just keep the HP and Mana numbers, but all 3 HP/Mana/End bars.

Hope this makes sense.

If you have the time to work on this, that would be fantastic. Thank you!
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