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Old 04-17-2008, 12:12 PM   #2
A Bat
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 1

I'm curious about this also. I love SARS, and use it for all my toons, but struggle with it when playing my mage because of the pet window. I've grown so used to this UI though, that I can't go back to default or anything else. Love everything about it, except for the pet window.

I know nothing about xml or ui files, but after messing around with it for a while I did find a way to make the buff box stretch out so I could see more buffs on my pet (by setting RightAnchorOffset under PIW_BuffWindow to a higher number, iirc). It's still only a single row though, I'd love it if I could show two or three rows of buffs so I wouldn't have to stretch the pet window way out to see them, or if I could use another pet window.

Looking forward to hearing if anyone knows of any way to fix this, or any other pet windows that are compatible with SARS.
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