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Old 09-02-2003, 05:32 PM   #8
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 5

61 Mage, 56 Beastlord, 59 Necro, 51 Wizard, 51 Druid, 50 Enchanter, 49 Shaman here... what can I say? I like casters :-)

As a pet user, I want to see my pet's life directly under my target's life. Something like the drakah target window, with my pet's life added to it (a mod I made a year ago or so). My pet's life as compared to my target's life is critical information.

Also, I want a big attack and back off button. The rest can be small. And forget about putting the pet's life where the pet control buttons are... if I have to look for it, it's not useful.

As a caster, I want a highlighted mana bar. As a necro and shaman, I want a highlighted life bar as well. How many times have I killed myself with canni or lich? You don't want to know...

As a caster, I want to see my current/max weight and resists without opening inventory. As a shaman and beastlord, I want to see all of my stats. As a caster, I don't really care about AC and ATK. I do as a shaman/beastlord.

AA and xp bars are fine. Not critical, but nice to have.

Stamina is useless. Get rid of it. If I should need it for some reason, I'll open up the inventory.

Popup casting bar in the middle of the screen is fine. I know other people don't like it. If not there, it should be prominent.

Names on spell gems is nice to have. Names on buffs is critical.

My name, title, and level is stupid. Get rid of it. If I forget who I am, I can open up the inventory.

Hot buttons and inventory on the screen are necessary. I'd like this to be configurable, but if necessary, I'll just take every possible clicky spot. Less is more, though, so configurable for just my clicky items of the moment would be highly preferable.

With the new spell interface, I'm using my spell book less and less. It can be drab, but I prefer pretty, al la T.King.

Don't clutter up my screen real estate. On the other hand, don't make me search for important information... I prefer to have important info at the bottom of the screen, with casting bar on the left edge, and buffs on the right edge.

Also, let me move things around. Drakah's first UI was pretty cool, except that I didn't like a third of my screen real estate taken and it wouldn't let me change it.

That's enough for now :-)
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