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Old 04-15-2019, 08:53 AM   #36
A Hill Giant
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 33

Originally Posted by mh272
Thanks guys for the feedback.

@Novaburst This is the bigbank rework, good? I am going to tab shared bank as well, 2 tabs, 3 slots in each.

EDIT: eh, 3 tabs, 2 slots in each for shared.

I think this is a great idea and well implemented. I think you have done it perfectly.

I do have one other request. While the auto bank button is huge (which is great), is there a way to place it at the bottom, between the shared and regular bank (maybe duplicate and slim it up)?? The reason I ask is because when my tradeskill bags are full from hunting, I place them
(typically 3 bags or more even) in the shared bank slots and then auto inventory them from there. Whatever doesn't go in the first tradeskill mule bank just stays in the bags til I log in the next tradeskill mule. This is just an QOL thing for me and perhaps others. Figured while your working on it now, I would ask.

Either way, keep up the great work. If you had a paypal or something, I would considering throwing you a few bucks for all your hard work. I know it is time consuming and all.
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