Thread: Question
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Old 07-29-2002, 02:54 AM   #34
A Ghoul
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 16

It might make sense, if the hard code is looking for its input from a specific window, and if you moved those child elements, the exe would not be looking in the right spot for its information.

However, this still does not make sense, because the only error you get from moving stuff from the PlayerWindow is the PetHP, and the only input that has is weather or not to display the PetHP bar, and that information is stored in a UI_charactername.ini file, not seemingly even really processed by the exe, just not loaded by the UI.

The other thing that doesnt make sense, is if this were the case, it would not be the XML that is crashing, it would in fact be the eqgame.exe file crashing, because it is the eqgame.exe that would be looking for that information, not the XML. The XML just sends the information back.

Hmm, more discrepancies to add to the pile.
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