Thread: Black UI (re)
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Old 02-05-2004, 07:53 PM   #4
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 5

Well, I downloaded the Black UI ("new" release) a couple days ago... And it refuses to work.

I've installed literally dozens of UI's, and the only thing I can think of is that the included "UI_yourname_servername" file is incorrect, and/or one of the xml files are bad.

I have a slow system, so I was only able to minimally test separate xml files. each one appears to work correctly on their own, but when I try to load the whole package, it uses the "Black" tga files, but otherwise uses ALL default xml files.

I don't have the experience to tear apart each little tidbit and pick up what minute thing might be wrong, but I noticed, off the bat, in the UI_name_server file, the UISkin= was set to default, not the directory for black, and it had a ton of autojoin channels in it. These 2 things alone had me curious if the issue isn't maybe that the wrong ui_name_server wasn't included...

Please get back to me on this soon... I've been wanting to use this ui, as even at 1024x768, I get fair lag (I have an older system) so I need a sleek, simple, but complete interface to cut down on video stress while giving me all the casting, melee, and pet info I need.

I've tried other "sleek" ones, but they are either too busy, or (in the case of vertminimal2) has inferior components that are important to me (i.e.; vertmin's pet window missing most of the important info, such as health, buffs, etc).


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