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Old 03-02-2003, 11:12 AM   #1
A Gray Wolf
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Default Some Great VERT ideas :) LOOK LOOK


I'm a huge fan of the VERT ui skin. Definately the cleanest looking interface out there, imo. Like most people who use pretty much any skin I've got my own ideas that I think would make the skin as a whole a little bit better. But I'm not XML Coder. I mean, I can tweak the ui files here and there and edit the graphics to make a slightly different looking skin, but I'm not at the point where I can hard code everything from scratch, nor do I really have the interest to do so. So I'm posting here in hopes that perhaps someone will want to help me out with these ideas. So let's not waste any more time!

This is a modification of the Inventory window for those like me that prefer to use VERT's petwindow (player stats) rather than openning the inventory to check. I'm also not a huge fan of the new default 1.5 inventory window. Dropping armor on the silouhette in the background will auto-equip. I'd also like to make a female version as well. That little picture next to the bottom right inventory slot is a trash can, used for destroying items, and will be found on a few more of my mods (see below)

This is a modification of the bazaar search window that is much slimmer and more organized than the default, putting search options at the top.

This is a mod of the pet window for non-pet classes that shows experience and AA information/options instead of useless pet info.

** developer's note: I've tried to edit this window on my own in the past (by deleting the pet buttons to make room for exp gauges) which lead it to crash eq. perhaps, being the PET window, these pet commands need to be there?

These are mods for the groupwindow that combine the player info. The caster mod has a mana bar whilst the melee mod does not. I've seen a window similar to this one, except without the stamina bar/hp numbers. Notice the placement of the LFG button. Looks much cleaner.

Some other ideas I haven't mapped templates out for yet include:
- Bag and Loot windows all containing a destroy button (little trash can) for quick and easy destroying
- Compass combined into the mini actions window
- Others as I think of them.

All i need is a coder and we can see these things in the game
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Old 03-02-2003, 11:28 AM   #2
A Treant
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If I were you, I'd seriously consider moving your little trash can thing further down the screen towards the very bottom. Either that or put it somewhere else completely away from the auto-equip. As it is now, I think it's just a little too close to the auto-equip area and someone could accidentally trash their item instead of equipping it. Considering how laggy it often gets in game and the fact that many folks play with the Destroy confirmation box disabled, there is a chance this could happen and it would be pretty upsetting, IMO.

Odds are this probably won't happen but I gaurantee you that if it were me, I wouldn't even be taking the chance. Not with the gear I have.

Anyway, just a suggestion. Otherwise, nice work.

Edit: Modified to be more clear
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Old 03-03-2003, 12:41 AM   #3
A Gray Wolf
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ah. good eye, thanks for the suggestion. I have accidentally destroyed things many times and would like to prevent this for other players as much as possible.

here's the updated version.

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Old 03-03-2003, 01:01 AM   #4
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boomer didnt you send me an email with these ideas in it??

Didnt I email you back and said I would talk to Sokol??

not to sound rude but if you ran these ideas past Us, and we havent gotten back to you yet... wouldnt you check to see why we havent replied?

BTW i think the group window with player stats is already done..


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Old 03-03-2003, 07:18 AM   #5
A Gray Wolf
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My appologies, Kudane. I did not mean to be rude. In fact, I did not know you sent me an email until reading your post just now. I signed up for this account a few months ago, and have since changed my email address, so I had to dig around an old box to find it.

Having (supposedly) not received a reply to my request, I guess I just assumed you were too busy to work on them, much less even reply me back. I'm sorry, I guess I should have more faith in people.

and getting back to your comment about the group window w/ player info, I believe I have seen one such mod, however, without the mana, stamina and hp number info.

I've just updated my profile with my current email address.
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Old 03-03-2003, 08:38 AM   #6
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iI've made a few graphic alterations to the Vert 2.5 UI, (using PSP) but I have no idea how to program the changes in XML, should i post the pics here or in the Vert request forum?
Sir Kjan Alodedar - Level 70 Paladin of Tunare
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Old 03-03-2003, 05:05 PM   #7
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Some of these look very nice, the inv is abit expanded, but clean.
The Player Window idea just will not work, as the AA selector and such can NOT be moved, and has no gauge. Further more, the Destroy should be a button, and it needs a done button. but all of these ideas are implementable with afew changes to your idea that is just impossibly due to constraints by sony.

The Player info could be moved to the player info window and off the pet window, but it was the masses that wanted it there

The Group window Is good, and I will work on it this next weekend. (My weeks trashed with work)

The bazaar search window changes are nice.

NOTE: You can NOT just move buttons, or slider bars. A good rule of thumb if it doesn't have an EQ type it can't be moved. (For the most part)


EDIT: The bazaar search window is currently un-moded and I like to keep it that way, so if it gets changed theres no need to patch it, but I can do it as a custom mod for those that want it.
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Old 03-03-2003, 09:33 PM   #8
A Gray Wolf
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Thanks sokol for the response.

here are my replies to some of your comments.

the inv is abit expanded, but clean

Hmm. I know it is a bit wider than the current piece (although not by much, and it is less height as well), but I for one as well as many other people only open this when I am referencing my inventory, or looting (while others constantly open it and check stats that are found on the *awesome* pet info window).. both times when what's going on in front of you isnt vitally important IMO.

the Destroy should be a button, and it needs a done button

When I thought of the little non-button looking trash can, development-wise I was thinking of those buttons in the window selector window, where each frame of the animation (button up, hover, press, button down) are drawn as an actual picture, rather than using a button template. The can was intended to have a button up, hover, press, and button down frames (although, to the average player this would look like a simple hover.. ie- javascript). as far as a done button I personally don't think it's vital as i'm sure lots of people like myself use keyboard hotkeys to open and close the inventory rather than the selector window / done button (the window selector window looks so out of place in fact that I hide it while playing. I can't think of a time that I've used it even once, actually), plus there is a close box in the corner. I dunno /shrug. That's why I only intended for all of these modifications to be simple alternatives to the defaults, not the defaults.

The Player Window idea just will not work, as the AA selector and such can NOT be moved, and has no gauge

Hmm I did not think it was a gauge... I got the idea for that from this tiny mod here...


Do you mean that the inc/dec exp going to aa +/- buttons can not be moved from the aa window? or do you mean the AA button (click to bring up aa) can only be referenced from the inventory window? Or is it the actual aa numbers (how many points free/spent/etc) that can not be moved? If it's the +/- buttons, that is fine because it's not vital to the importance of the window. people can just click the AA button instead. this is one of my fav ideas here. It was intended to go hand and hand with the group/player combo idea, where the xp bars were moved out of it. and it was intended for being a great alternative to all those non-pet classes, not that the player info isnt a huge plus already hate to see this idea crushed by sony's half-assed programming.

The Player info could be moved to the player info window and off the pet window, but it was the masses that wanted it there

Don't do anything with the player info! keep it there! I LOOOOVE that, my pet window mod would simply change the pet TAB to an EXP tab.. (see above)

The Group window Is good, and I will work on it this next weekend

Great! I have one request, though. is there any way to make the LFG button stay (not disappear) while you are in a full group? Having had to use the default skin myself until an updated version of vert came around, I understand why it disappears, but many times people would like to use the window to find a replacement for people still in their groups before they have to leave.. and the window can still be brought up with /lfg.

The bazaar search window changes are nice

Thanks.. while not the most important window out there it does bug some that it is so wide.
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Old 03-04-2003, 08:17 PM   #9
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"i'm sure lots of people like myself use keyboard hotkeys to open and close the inventory"

Actualy the most requested thing was for a done button

The AA slider IE +/- can not be moved to another window, it's fixed in the inv window. Not gauge but slider, it would be liek trying to move autoequip to another window it just cant happen with Sony's current coding.

The LFG button can Not stay when your in a full group unless you just make the image of it there, cause if your not the group leader CODE wise Sony has it un-enabled.

There many many things that just can't be moved, there used to be several pet button mods out when the new UI's firstc ame out, sad part is whiel they looked good they just weren't functional. The best thing to do is to Email sony or /feedback as I have done, and request more things get an EQ type, or allow some other way to migrate buttons/sliders from one window to another.

Still some nice looking ideas here, but afew just aren't feesable.



Do you mean that the inc/dec exp going to aa +/- buttons can not be moved from the aa window? or do you mean the AA button (click to bring up aa) can only be referenced from the inventory window? Or is it the actual aa numbers (how many points free/spent/etc) that can not be moved? If it's the +/- buttons, that is fine because it's not vital to the importance of the window. people can just click the AA button instead. this is one of my fav ideas here. It was intended to go hand and hand with the group/player combo idea, where the xp bars were moved out of it. and it was intended for being a great alternative to all those non-pet classes, not that the player info isnt a huge plus already hate to see this idea crushed by sony's half-assed programming.

You can not have the +/- nor the button to call up the AA window off the inv window sorry.

Trust me I SO Wish we could move ALOT of elements from one window to the next, my mini-inv mods would be supreme with a autoequip area, but alas Sony.... Sony... BUT /feedback and ask maybe just maybe they'd listen adventualy.


Don't do anything with the player info! keep it there! I LOOOOVE that, my pet window mod would simply change the pet TAB to an EXP tab.. (see above)

You must have certain buttons in the Pet infow window to prevent errors. Now you can "Hide" these required elements, but it's extra stuff loaded, and it would require people to have several folders for pet/non-pet.

Last edited by Sokol : 03-04-2003 at 08:25 PM.
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Old 03-04-2003, 11:55 PM   #10
A Gray Wolf
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ok thanks again, sokol
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