Credendo Vides
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 3,866
Friendly Reminder
This was originally posted by Kudane back in October, but it never hurts to bring it out again:
Tips for Patch Day
Below are some helpful tips that will save you some headache, and the artist some stress on patch day. These are intended to help everyone get what they need but a little faster
1. Let the orginal Artist patch thier work:
I know that we have thousands of people who want to help, and that is very commendable. But, for any of the mods in the Featured Artist Forum or any mod that the artist is still active (or someone has taken over). Please let the Artist post a patch. If you post a patch and then they post a patch... well you can imagine the future confusion. We all appreciate the generousity in offering to help.. but you may just be making them more work.
2. Please be patient:
If you are waiting on a patch from a Feature Artist or well know artist, please be patient and let them make and test thier patches. Posting a message that your looking for a patch to Drakah's UI two hours before the servers are even up will do no one any good. Might I suggest waiting 12 to 24 hours before posting "looking for a patch for XXXXX". 99% of our featured artist have a patch within the first day. If your using a mix of several things, and need custom help, please feel free to post for help anytime.. I am talking directly about people looking for patches to full UIs
3. Please LOOK before you post:
It only takes a moment to use the search feature, or to flip through the patches forum to see if anyone has posted info on how to fix the UI (or UI pieces) your using. If you don't see someone having talked about the UI your using (this includes parts) THEN post for help on it. Remember Cairenn has done an increadible job making sure we have as much info from test server as we can get.
4. Know What to Post:
If you want help on a custom UI that you put together, please make sure you post the things we need to help you. These are: Error log, screenshots if needed, and details of what specific XML files you have that were in the patch. This will help us get you an answer faster!
If you follow these tips you should find patch day to be very quiet. Also keep in mind that most of our Artist have regular day jobs too, soooo give them a hand by following the tips, and they will thank you greatly!
- Kudane
The original post can be found]here
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