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Halelen 11-03-2007 01:31 AM

V1.9 released
Added new ini that are compatible with 1440 x 900 or 1280 x 1024
added some new mods

send a pm if ya have any problems, suggestions, requests or complaints

Enjoy :nana:

Halelen 11-08-2007 12:18 AM

Making progress
Ok just wanted to let everyone know the issue with the last bag on dashboard not being clickable has been fixed. Soon will be releasing a new dashboard inventory by request with all tabs and 90% of the content of regular inventory.

Enjoy :nana:

Halelen 07-20-2008 07:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here are the new ini files for Quartz Redux Leather they contain 3 ini ..caster, melee, and hybrid for the following res 1280x1024,1440x900,1680x1050. Sorry for any problems this caused


fgoldsmith 07-24-2008 02:40 PM

Chat windows
ok here is a question i have with the new version and it havving like 6 or 7 chat windows it wont let me se anything to a specific window with filters cause it wont let me right click any of it so my question is how can i tell it where to put stuff woudl appreciate any help


Halelen 07-24-2008 08:01 PM

right click on the scrollbars or for the text window right click on the frame.


Halelen 09-03-2008 01:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok they caught me napping so dont have the windows all ready for this patch but here is the animations file that will get you running at least until i finish the new windows.Quartz Redux doesn't use modified sidl,equi,raid,friend or guild windows only files that will require change are the group and player windows.



Halelen 10-04-2008 08:47 AM

Ok QRL is complete and ready for the release of Seeds of Destruction. All new features have been added and tested.With the new interface you will find.

>Larger group member bars with pet, mana, and endurance meters(can turn the meters off if dont like them)

> group role animations on both the group window and player window

>target bar with seperate hott and now included with targets buffs wihdow

>cleaner look to the attack indicator animation and target box

> a new voicechatbar(dont like it? delete and have the default back)

All in all was a rather major overhaul which required some rearranging to the ui to fit all the new additions in.

MANY thanks to Enok!! Without his knowledge and help the color changing health bars would not be possible.

Thanks to those on test server that put up with me for days on end trying to test it all.

Enjoy :nana:


Getti Lee 10-08-2008 04:56 AM

4 Attachment(s)
awesome changes!

i noticed they went to a dss file format, which i'm not sure how to substitute various files to get back the old look and feel. main things i'm trying to figure out is:
  • old button borders used a tga file but doesn't seem to take on the new system
  • default spell icons/spell gems (deleting the custom ones just leaves teh graphic blank)
  • the custom potion belt that you made me only shows 3 potions (possible to size them down to fit in atleast 4 or maybe 5?)
  • deleted the target indicator.ini and the tga's associated with it but like the spell icons/gems i can't get rid of it.
  • some folks i'm sure like myself don't have a widescreen display, so i'm wondering if its possible to make an spell gem bar that is 2 spell columns wide that match the height of the new player window to make the placement of those two windows interchangeable. (the original combat ability window for melee discs too would need stretched taller)
  • deleting the eqbutton xml file makes the icon disappear instead of get rid of the textured border (just don't have the room for it in my display)
  • the new target window with buffs rocks, but i could see alot more flexibility if it matched a common window size scheme. for example if you trimmed or scaled it down just a hair, you could place it above the player window if it were the same width. thats personally the best spot i can put it at i think

i was skeptical of the color changing health bars but they look pretty good and i especially like the new bar graphics themselves!

i attatched the custom files you made for me that didn't seem to make it into your upload. they seem to work fine still and no issues there

thanks for all the hardwork hal and everyone that assisted.

Halelen 10-08-2008 07:16 AM

hey getti to use your old diles just open them up and use the replace command and go through the xml file and change all .tga tags to .dds then use your old .tga files for the window pieces and use directx texture edit tool and convert to .dds or just post all ya want changed here and i can whip them out later, as for potion belt there are 2,3,4,5 slot variants in folder or is yours a custom one....dont remember


Getti Lee 10-08-2008 07:31 AM

1 Attachment(s)
heres a screenshot of the selector and potion belt window you made for me. just slimmed down to fit in the spot the selector alone fits in now. the files are attached in my previous post.

Getti Lee 10-08-2008 09:12 AM

not sure where to start with all those if you don't mind doing it hal, hate to ask but i am not sure what all windows to be doing that with or what the directx thing is

Halelen 10-08-2008 11:02 AM

This is what you want changed?
A)They didnt switch to a .dds format I did that...find it is faster loading since the video doesnt have to alter the file to display it.

B) Reason you lose graphics is because when you delete xml it pulls from the default but the animations says use.dds and the default xml is calling for .tga
so have to replace any you pull from default(i will do that for you)

C) target indicator doesnt make sense since that wasnt converted to .dds...are you wanting the default?

ok lets make sure I know what all you want ..

1) original quartz look buttons and such

2)eqbutton just to be the button

3) 5 slot potionwindow

4) target window same width as player window

5)spell bar and combat bar same Hieght as player window?

6) you want the default speel gems/icons

7) you want default target rings?


Getti Lee 10-08-2008 11:25 AM

Originally Posted by Halelen
A)They didnt switch to a .dds format I did that...find it is faster loading since the video doesnt have to alter the file to display it.

B) Reason you lose graphics is because when you delete xml it pulls from the default but the animations says use.dds and the default xml is calling for .tga
so have to replace any you pull from default(i will do that for you)

C) target indicator doesnt make sense since that wasnt converted to .dds...are you wanting the default?

ok lets make sure I know what all you want ..

1) original quartz look buttons and such - yes

2)eqbutton just to be the button - yes and scaled down if possible to the size of the mail button

3) 5 slot potionwindow - yes

4) target window same width as player window - yes

5)spell bar and combat bar same Hieght as player window? - ok after screwing around some more, maybe a easier change. was thinking of putting the invite, lfg, and disband buttons of the group window on the left so the the line up of the players health bars are closer to the way it used to be? i can get used to the spell gems/combat abilities being on the other side if they are close to group members to heal. then no need for changes on the other 2 windows

6) you want the default speel gems/icons yes

7) you want default target rings? Fixed!


noticed i can't see my cast bar on melee even with the mods and/or the melee folder files.

appreciate the custom work as usual!

Madisyn 10-08-2008 03:04 PM

Hi Halelen! I've recently changed (like today) to this UI, because Quartz original isn't being supported any longer & I just can't load default UI every time I want to kick someone from the group that logged without disbanding. :\ Anyway! I like what you've done & while it's going to get a little getting used to, the new target window just isn't working for me (it works, but, it doesn't like "work" work). As a rogue, I have 0 reason to know what buffs someone has on.

Is there anyway you could/be willing to cut that down to just the target & hott bar? I have it layered at the moment (to look a lot like Quart UI default ini settings) & every time I target, it pops up the buffs, which covers my own stats bar, while a simple "click" covers it, it's tedious after a while, especially if I change targets a lot.

Also, I love the horizontal disc bar, but my wide screen resolution isn't working well with it. Would you consider altering it? I've got the top part of the target/hott bar lined up with the disc window, I've got the casting part showing, but the active disc count down is being cut off at the "no", it's actually cut the "O" in "no" right down the middle. I can send you a SS it that's too vague & you decide to take on the challenge.

If I wasn't so UI dependent I wouldn't even ask, but it was worth a shot. Thanks for your time & great UI! :D

Halelen 10-08-2008 03:20 PM

im at work at the moment can whip something out when i get home check back later this evening. as for the horizontal disc what res are you running are you usinfg the correct bar for the res, there is a folder with 4 different resolutions to choose from in the mods


Halelen 10-08-2008 03:24 PM

Originally Posted by Getti Lee
pretty much yes to all of that there :)

and if its not too much work, can the eq button be resized to like the size of the mail button? for some reason the mail button isn't showing but i'm guessing that its just because of the tga/dss thing you mentioned.

appreciate the custom work as usual!

edit: target ring fixed itself

k will get that worked up for ya as soon as i get home from work, shouldnt take too long.


Getti Lee 10-08-2008 03:44 PM

awesome, thanks hal :)

i was thinking maybe make the eq button the height of the voice chat bar and i was going to try to trim that voice chat bar down so they fit together in the same width as the player window.

lol sorry, i always make so much work for you. i can probably figure that out after the eq button is resized

Madisyn 10-08-2008 05:26 PM

Originally Posted by Halelen
im at work at the moment can whip something out when i get home check back later this evening. as for the horizontal disc what res are you running are you usinfg the correct bar for the res, there is a folder with 4 different resolutions to choose from in the mods


Thank you thank you thank you! :D :D :D

Halelen 10-08-2008 05:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by Madisyn
Hi Halelen! I've recently changed (like today) to this UI, because Quartz original isn't being supported any longer & I just can't load default UI every time I want to kick someone from the group that logged without disbanding. :\ Anyway! I like what you've done & while it's going to get a little getting used to, the new target window just isn't working for me (it works, but, it doesn't like "work" work). As a rogue, I have 0 reason to know what buffs someone has on.

Is there anyway you could/be willing to cut that down to just the target & hott bar? I have it layered at the moment (to look a lot like Quart UI default ini settings) & every time I target, it pops up the buffs, which covers my own stats bar, while a simple "click" covers it, it's tedious after a while, especially if I change targets a lot.

Also, I love the horizontal disc bar, but my wide screen resolution isn't working well with it. Would you consider altering it? I've got the top part of the target/hott bar lined up with the disc window, I've got the casting part showing, but the active disc count down is being cut off at the "no", it's actually cut the "O" in "no" right down the middle. I can send you a SS it that's too vague & you decide to take on the challenge.

If I wasn't so UI dependent I wouldn't even ask, but it was worth a shot. Thanks for your time & great UI! :D

Here ya go

Madisyn 10-08-2008 05:54 PM

OMG! Thank you so much, that's PERFECT! You are a saint! & just in time for raid! :eek:

Halelen 10-08-2008 07:04 PM

Originally Posted by Getti Lee
awesome, thanks hal :)

i was thinking maybe make the eq button the height of the voice chat bar and i was going to try to trim that voice chat bar down so they fit together in the same width as the player window.

lol sorry, i always make so much work for you. i can probably figure that out after the eq button is resized

This is original request the second request about group window would be a major rewrite and dont have the time for it right now try these and let me know....http://www.mediafire.com/?9hibmtxntfv


Getti Lee 10-08-2008 11:57 PM

the rest state icon was gone, but i compared the two dss files and saw that the one in that media fire was missing the graphics so just copied the windowpieces06.dss from the redux download and its working fine now.

the item link window didn't have the border to them with the minimize and close buttons so i took the windowpieces05.dss from redux download and its working fine now.

after experimenting trying to get the spellcastbar.xml to work, i got a cast bar for melee's now, its just a old basic separate window. did you discontinue the one built into the melee only player window?

the combat ability window i couldn't get to work. it loaded the default ui when i tried to include that. so i went back to the ones that were working from my old ui. however the issue i have is when i play a hybrid with both discs and spells, it gives me issues there. shows the old default spell gem bar in the spot. either way i usually run two ui folders, one for pure melee and one for caster.

no rush on the request for swapping the invite/lfg/disband button to the left of the group window hehe. just think it might feel a little more like it used to.

thanks a ton! :)

Halelen 10-09-2008 07:14 AM

Ya sorry bout that I grabbed window pieces from OOOOLD quartz didnt even think about those being gone...and the player window ,forgot you had a special one made. Didn't test the ui with both spell and disc window so will have to check that out when I get home.

so all good except:

1) player window needs cast bar

2) remove cast bar from disc window so that it displays both spell and disc window
3) group window

and you are good?


Getti Lee 10-09-2008 11:39 AM

Originally Posted by Halelen
Ya sorry bout that I grabbed window pieces from OOOOLD quartz didnt even think about those being gone...and the player window ,forgot you had a special one made. Didn't test the ui with both spell and disc window so will have to check that out when I get home.

so all good except:

1) player window needs cast bar

2) remove cast bar from disc window so that it displays both spell and disc window
3) group window

and you are good?


yeah sounds about right. just to clarify tho, the cast bar for casters used to be right above the spell gems (where it is now) and the cast bar for your melee only window that used to be in the mods folder had the cast bar below the leader xp (it just took the mana bar out of the player window and moved up the xp bars a line to make room for cast bar)

only other things is resizing the voice chat bar width (if you can maybe take a look and give me the line number i can do the math for it) and the group window invite buttons swapping whenever you feel like taking on that quest hehe.

Halelen 10-09-2008 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by Getti Lee
yeah sounds about right. just to clarify tho, the cast bar for casters used to be right above the spell gems (where it is now) and the cast bar for your melee only window that used to be in the mods folder had the cast bar below the leader xp (it just took the mana bar out of the player window and moved up the xp bars a line to make room for cast bar)

only other things is resizing the voice chat bar width (if you can maybe take a look and give me the line number i can do the math for it) and the group window invite buttons swapping whenever you feel like taking on that quest hehe.

If you just want to shorten the bar a lil you need to adjusat the x value under active speaker label


Halelen 10-09-2008 05:51 PM

Here ya go
2 Attachment(s)
Here ya go

Getti Lee 10-09-2008 08:28 PM

works great thanks!

Getti Lee 10-10-2008 09:57 AM

noticed a bug with the player window you just made, when attack is on the attack indicator red flashing animation opacity gets lighter half way through the window going horizontally.

got the voice chat bar smaller now, thanks :)

just experimenting trying to take the bottom extra texture block of the target window gone (not sure which cy to change to trim it off) but other than that all good till/if you decide to move the invite/lfg/disband buttons to left on group window.

thanks again.

Halelen 10-10-2008 11:23 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here ya go

As for the target window you trying to remove the buff window or the landing below buff window?


Getti Lee 10-10-2008 11:43 AM

just the landing below the buff part, i position it above my chat windows in the center so trying to save some space. i tried to change one of the cx values from 100 to 80 and it just shortened the buffs which i didnt' want to do.

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