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-   -   adding to group window and others... (http://www.eqinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17743)

shadriel 02-28-2006 07:39 AM

adding to group window and others...
ok i've been reading quite a bit around the site on how to edit the xml's and so on. i've learned alot, but i'm really just more confused than ever. with all the recent changes to the UI in game in the last 6 months, i am having a very difficult time keeping my custom UI files working, especially as all of them were taken from other UI's created by someone else, here on this site, or just from default, and many are well over a year or more old. i recently lost my hotbutton window, which had several great features on it, one was the spellcasting bar, another was all my stats and resists. i like my new window, but now i have no casting bar available for me to keep an eye on my cheals, nor any resists/stat info. i'd like to add the spell casting gauge to my current group window, along with placing my stats and resists down the left side of it, if its possible, but i have no idea how/where to place these in the xml file so that they will show in the correct locations. there are a couple other files i'm having trouble with, as well. for example, the new aura's window will not even come up, nor will the spell blocking windows, even tho i've added the default versions to my custom folder. i have a custom short duration buff window that i would like to extend so it will show more effects, up to 10 or 12 total, as well as my regular effects window, which i'd like to increase to 25 slots (i've heard thats attainable now), but again, even with the tutorials and various info i've found here, i'm still very confused on just how to do this. i have attempted to simply take the default casting window file/files and place them in my custom UI's folder, however that made my entire UI show up with default settings and appearance. the casting window is the most important thing i need fixed, if someone could please help me figure out how to place it on my group window, or even just its own window, until i can figure out the rest of this stuff, it would be greatly appreciated. my tanks are dying becuz i can't gauge whether or not my cheal will land before they run out of hps. very bad for a cleric trying to keep up with a group. i would also appreciate any advice on how and where to place the info in the xml file, i really have only the vaguest idea what to do and i'm afraid if i try to do this completely on my own it will be months before i get it figured out and working right.

some info on my group window (its very nice, thanks to whoever created it!! tho i don't remember where i found it, i've been using it for over a year)... my current group window shows my target, HoTT, my hps/mana/end in bars and numbers, all hp bars have color changing and flashing bars, as well as in %'s, and pet hps, and it shows all xp bars with %'s. don't think i've forgotten anything. its a very nice group window, i'd just like to tweak it up so its got even more of what i want on it. to start with i need to know how to increase the windows dimensions, i've looked over the xml file, but i don't see anything that stands out as being its total dimensions (its not adjustable in game). then i need help figuring out how to place the additions i'd like to make - how to get the casting gauge to show at the very top and then how to place the stats/resists down the left side without displacing anything else.

as for my effects windows, they are both right side aligned with numbers going downwards, i'd really just like to figure out how to increase their length and add on some more effect slots. this i can prolly manage on my own, but any help would be appreciated, especially on figuring out how to increase the windows dimensions.

as for the aura effects window and the spell blocking windows (both for me and for a pet - i've got alts yanno :P ) i'm just completely mystified why they won't show, i've never had a file just not show at all once toggled on/off(yes i've triggered the UI commands to toggle them on and off, they just won't show up on screen). for now aura's are showing in the short duration (songs) window, but i can't use the spell blocking features because of this. (yes i have PoR)... any ideas on fixing that would be appreciated.

i do apologize if i have missed a tutorial thread that does explain all of this, but i've spent all my spare time the last several days trying to find one and have not been successful. thanks for any help =)

danny91643 02-28-2006 08:28 AM

The First thing I would do is go to the link below and check your Files for POR UpDates.


The second thing I would do is D/L the WYSIWYG editor from the link below.


The editor is a good place to begin learning how to manage your windows and arrange them as you wish. Trial and error is about the only way to really learn how to handle XML. ;)

My Blog shows what can be done just by trying different things out.

shadriel 02-28-2006 06:02 PM

obviously i've checked for updates... i'm am well aware of which files have been added by the default, i've been using a custom UI and trying to keep its files updated for over a year now.... there are not any updates available from the makers of the UI pieces i need help with... the majority of my UI pieces were individual files and not a single one has been updated in over a year... but thanx for the suggestion...

and as for the trial and error method... well obviously its going to come down to that, but that does not answer any of my questions on where to get started with this thing. i can open the xml files already, i just do not understand all that i'm looking at. i would appreciate a basic explanation of how the coding is supposed to work and how to place things on it. i do not understand how to edit the windows size/dimensions, to begin with, and that is one of the first things i am going to need to do, along with probably making the gauges that are on it a bit smaller so this thing doesn't end up taking up my entire screen. if someone could please explain what the coding for that looks like so i can find it, that would at least get me started.

Egras 02-28-2006 07:24 PM

Its 3 windows on the screenshot, but thats EgrasUI main windows if ya like to see all the numbers. The potionbelt, Bandoleir and group windwos stack on top of the lower window to make custom views.

danny91643 02-28-2006 09:09 PM

<Screen item="BigBankWnd">
To change the Size/Demension change CX and CY values, BUT THAT is not all
your going to need to do. All the Pieces within the window will need to be Resized or repositioned. Also having your code compatible with your graphics is an issue, ie. changing Gauge size.
SidlWidl is your best bet.

shadriel 03-01-2006 02:40 AM

thx danny, that helps, tho i'm not sure why everything else needs to be moved /cry its all so confusing... i will see what i can find with the sidlwidl.

and no Egras, its not your window, that pic is vastly different from what i look at on my screen, my current group window doesn't take up half the space that one would, i'd post a pic of it, but i'm not sure how to do that... btw i like the functional style of my current one, i don't like big huge fancy things taking up lots of processor and ram power and covering up my screen... i have too much going on all the time in game and cant keep up with it all if i don't keep things as compact as i can. i would like to add a casting bar at the top of this window, and then stats and resists down the left side, i tried to find a name of who created it in its xml file, but i didn't see one there so /shrug... i've been using it for quite some time, its probably my favorite UI piece.

danny91643 03-01-2006 10:26 AM

Cool. sidlwidl will help you understand more than trying to explain a lot of things.
Just to give you some clarity on window size: Say you have a window 100X100 and you resize it to 200X200. The window pieces will remain in the locations for 100X100, yet the window will be 200X200. This becomes clear when you use sidlwidl. Good luck... ;)

shadriel 03-01-2006 06:37 PM

sidlwidl vs sidle fiddle...
ok i have not yet tried sidlwidl, but i did get sidl fiddle and i'm having an error when i try to open a screen. i read the entire tutorial on it, from the authors website, i read the faq, i read the 13 page long discussion on it in the forums here... there was one other person who had the same problem, but if a solution to it was posted in that thread, i couldn't find it... i posted a question about it at the end of that thread, its located in EQInterface Forums > Tutorials & Info. > SidlWidl & SIDL Fiddle Tutorials & Info. > SIDL Fiddle WYSIWYG Editor

i will repost my question here tho...

when i load up a UI folder in sidl fiddle and then attempt to open a screen, my window freezes in place and i can do nothing with it other than minimize or close. if i minimize and reopen the screen is then totally gray with nothing on it, no tabs for editing or anything. the dos window has several comments that go something like...

at javax.swing.RepaintManager.paintDirtyRegions(Unkno wn Source)
at javax.swing.SystemEventQueueUtilities$ComponentWor kRequest.run(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierar chy(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarch y(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Source)

this is the same error that a guy named Perkoset BB describes at the bottom of page 6 in the thread i mentioned above. i cannot figure out what the problem is with this, and i can't get anywhere with the program until i do. if you have any ideas i'd appreciate it. i have tried every suggestion i saw in that thread, regarding any of the other errors that were reported, tho that was more of a precautionary measure to make sure i didn't get any other errors, and it has, of course, not solved my problem. the only response i saw to this error came from Ambros on the next page...

"The gauge error is bombing because the GaugeDrawTemplate fill value is missing. If that is the case, it "shouldn't" work in EQ, but they may be letting some stuff by. Let me know."

i don't know what this means =/ and perk's response was that he'd double checked that and it was fine, so i'm thinking that probably is not the problem, but /shrug

the only thing i have not yet tried is uninstalling java and going to an earlier 1.3 version. tho according to sidl fiddle's creator, Ambros, my version of java should work fine, i am using java 1.4.2...

i have not yet tried sidl widl, as i saw many comments that it was not that great of a program and sidl fiddle was better, however, that will be my next step while i wait for any info on the sidl fiddle problem.

any input on this would be greatly appreciated =)

oh, and one last question, could someone tell me... x y coordinates... which one is right/left and which is up/down? kind of a simple question i guess, but i can't quite figure it out, i've been reading all these xml files and i can't quite find a system to it for me to figure out which one is which. thanx =)

shadriel 03-01-2006 06:59 PM

SidlWidl and templates...
ok i got SidlWidl and i downloaded the templates that were there, unfortunately i haven't got a clue what i'm sposed to do with them LOL... do i unzip that into the same folder i put SidlWidl into? or is that sposed to be seperate?

shadriel 03-01-2006 07:27 PM

SidlWidl tutorial??
well i made a guess and put the templates file into the sidlwidl folder so /shrug

program seems to load up all right, but i'm having trouble figuring out just how to use the thing... does anyone know of a tutorial or walk thru of some kind that can give me an example? i did get it to load up my group window, but how to add anything to it... i have no clue =/ i tried the forum that says its for SidlWidl and Sidl fiddle tutorials, but the only tutorial available thru there is for Sidl fiddle, so i guess i'm back to nowhere with either program... have an error with sidl fiddle that won't load let me actually load up a screen for editing and then sidlwidl i can't figure out how to edit anything once i've got it loaded up... sigh...

shadriel 03-02-2006 10:40 AM

*kisses for danny*
thanx for the help danny!! got my group window edited exactly the way i wanted it and working on the first try... its soooo awesome now /drools

more banana's for danny (since he/she's still too far away to kiss ;) )

:nana: :nana: :nana:

on another note, i've been working on my buff/song effects windows to increase the amount of slots they would hold.. i've gotten the extra buff slots added to them and everything i've placed/added is basically identical to what was already there, but for some reason it loads up slightly displaced. i can't figure out why. it isn't that important really, it just looks... off... in game LOL. if you have the time would you mind taking a look at it danny? i have the text set to align to the right, but its aligning on the left for the ones i added on, and each buff slot is marked by a number or a letter, the ones i added on load up slightly to the left of the original ones, which puts them underneath the icons when a buff fills the slot. if you don't have the time, thats cool, like i said, its not that important, its just a lil annoying is all heheh. i'll attach my edited files, as well as the originals, to this post.... ok nevermind, it won't let me attach them cuz i had same file names attached in another post i guess... i tried changing the names but that was a no go. so i guess if you have the time to look at them, let me know and i can try to attach em in a pm or something. not a big deal rly, i'd just like the confusion cleared up on them lol.

and at any rate, thx for all the help so far, i'd still b up a creek with no casting bar if not for ur help :)

shadriel 03-02-2006 10:53 AM

group window attachments
if you would like to see the new and old group windows, i attached them in a couple other posts on this thread -


u'll have to forgive me for getting panicky, but a cleric w/o a casting bar is a scary thing... i was playing like i ebayed :P so i asked for help under the requests forum, too, was afraid i wouldn't get the editors working. thx for the help =)

danny91643 03-02-2006 09:12 PM

So Glad to Hear :)
I know the fealing well when you have created your own Window or UI. You learn quick and I think your doing well. Keep it up and soon you'll be doing all the things you've set out to accomplish.
Next month I will be really busy with RL and Overtime Plus our Guild has set up a Raid scheduel for the new Zones that will keep me busy too. I busted my .... to get my UI up to date just for that reason. over half our Guild members use it and I am sort of the UI person LOL. If you want you can PM the files your having trouble with and I'll try to get a look see, but I can't promise a quick response. anyway Grats and Good Luck.. ;)

shadriel 03-03-2006 02:00 AM

um here is something i can't figure out... how do i delete a feature on a screen i'm looking at? using the delete keys with it highlighted isn't working, and up under edit where there is a delete button... not working either. i don't have any need for the lfg button on my group window, would like to take it off... among other things on a few other windows i'd like to change around a bit heheh. and i hear that with the schedules and raids, my new guild raids about twice as much as my old one and i'm having ahard time keeping up, especially with my UI having been broken the last two weeks since PoR came out. its great to have it working right and lookin better than ever. =)

danny91643 03-03-2006 08:39 AM

He He that's a feature SidlWidl doesn't have. However the easy way around it is this:
1. Open your Group Window.
2. From the window List in the Left hand Columb click on LFGButton (Single Click)
3. The lower left hand screen shows the Properties for that Piece.
4. Scroll to Location and change it to -100,-100 Press enter. Thats (Minus One Hundred comma Minus one hundred).
5. That should clear the Button from the Window.

There are other ways to do this, but lets try this firsts. The other ways are to Comment out the LFG, or Change X and Y values in the XML via a Text editor.

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