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flextor2 02-09-2011 04:50 PM

Old Default UI Update Help Please
Sorry, I think I posted on a old thread. I will start a new one with what I posted on the old one.

I know it is still early from the patch Feb. 9th 2011

A update for either one would work SUPER. If by some chance you did not like the spell buff set up. you can down load a buff patch and use a old style buff icon.

Fanra's UI - Old Default with Geddine's Buff Windows


Last updated on 1-13-2011

Drakah's UI - Old Defalut


Last updated 1-13-2011

Haliken's UI Old - Default


Last updated on 12-15-2009

Thank you very much if anyone could please help.


arrturis 02-09-2011 05:14 PM

Yes please

Tearsin Rain 02-09-2011 08:26 PM

to fix it do this:

go into your UI folder.
open equi_animations
go to the very end of the file.
just above the </xml> tag (which should be the very last thing in the file) paste this in and the UIs mentioned above should all work:

<Ui2DAnimation item="A_BlueBtnNormal">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_BlueBtnFlyby">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_BlueBtnPressed">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_BlueBtnDisabled">

Madness63 02-09-2011 08:54 PM

trouble with edit function
i see the folder your talking about, and even the code. but it wont let me edit the content.

Tearsin Rain 02-09-2011 09:21 PM

Originally Posted by Madness63
i see the folder your talking about, and even the code. but it wont let me edit the content.

you need to right-click the equi_animations files and select open with > notepad.
that will let you edit it, if you've never edited a UI .xml file before it opens with a read-only program by default, some stupid IE related thing.

Rexin 02-09-2011 09:32 PM

Didn't work for me...

Slahr 02-09-2011 09:48 PM

Thanks. That fixed it. :)

Madness63 02-09-2011 09:59 PM

ok did that. but now it wont let me save it. keep getting access denied. GAHHHHHHhhhhhHHHHHHHhhh

lol why oh why did they ever change the UI?

and thanks for the help. love the game, hate the default UI

flextor2 02-09-2011 10:45 PM


I would like to thank you very much for that info. It worked great the first time on both my PC's that each use a differnt OLD DEFAULT UI.

Thank you


Tearsin Rain 02-10-2011 01:04 AM

to those who said it doesn't work:
it's possible your UI has more mods in it that needs adjusting - the fix i posted above will correct the issue for most default_old based UIs, but it only fixes 1 potential problem introduced with today's patch, and there are others.

basically two files got borked today:
EQUI_Animations and EQUI_Templates.

for those interested and industrious, to fix the problems you can do this:
1. go to your EQ folder, locate UIerrors.txt, and open it.
2. ignore all the "couldn't find blahblah, using default folder instead" stuff.
3. at the end of the text file should be a bunch of XML errors.
90% of these for 90% of you will either end in the text string "was referenced but not found!" or will say something like "could not find.. blahblah"

these are the files in the template and the animation files they added, and are what is breaking your UI.

to fix it you need to look at the names referenced in the error messages in your UIerrors file.
copy and paste the object the error is referencing (for example, BlueBtn_CDT or something that looks kinda like that)
go into the "default" folder in your UIfiles folder.
open the EQUI_Templates and do a search for the file name from the error message in your UIerrors file.
if you find it, copy the section of code surrounding it and paste that into the EQUI_Templates file in your custom folder (assuming you have one).
if you do NOT find it, perform the same steps above in the EQUI_Animations file.
you may have to do this several times, and it's insanely tedious, but it will fix all your errors.

if this code makes you go cross-eyed and you're not wanting to wait on a fix release for your UI, you can check out the updated old_default modded UI i posted today, or PM me with the content of your UIerrors file and i'll reply with where to look... though i warn you that may take a day or two, i'm both incredibly lazy and at work during the daylight hours.

alcabiff 02-10-2011 02:09 AM

I am using the Drakah UI but unfortunately the fix does not seem to work. I do not see a post with the modded default old you made Tearsin, where can I find it?


Drakah 02-10-2011 02:38 AM

Everyone is so impatient :)

Default Old, as well as the others, are now updated here on EQInterface.
You are always welcome to check my site at www.shakahr.com since I do updates and test updates there 1st before I upload them here.

Sinsu 02-10-2011 03:27 AM

I got this? what do i do now?
Hello i checked my uierrors file..and at the end i got this >

[Thu Feb 10 03:22:42 2011] [Line:20189 Source:UIFiles\Greg2\EQUI_Animations.xml] Schema error - Duplicate item A_BlueBtnNormal
[Thu Feb 10 03:22:42 2011] Error reading XML.

umm duplicate? how would i fix that? im not afriadto move stuff around in the files..with a little direction plz. thanks. :)

Oh ya im working on Mavs ranger ui. Am i supposed to paste the defult eq_animations file to the custom ui file first?

Cudya 02-10-2011 05:36 AM

Fanra's UI - Old Default with Geddine's Buff Windows has been updated.


Thanks Tearsin Rain for the info.

arrturis 02-10-2011 09:40 AM

Thanks everyone for the awesome updates to old default, its definitely appreciated!

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